Pearls of Wisdom
[Insha’Allah, with the Help & Mercy of Allah swt, in this section we intend to compile the questions answered by Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed damatbarakatuhu in various Talks and specially during the CII, Tazkiya Talk [Every Thursday, 10:10pm PST]
Q: A Litmus test: Do we truly love Allah swt?
Q: Why is it that our Physical body becomes often so lazy in performing ibadah?
Q: How can I identify that I have a Qalb-e-Saleem?
Q: Recommended Ibadah at the time of Tahajjud
Q: Understanding the three types of Nafs
Q: Looking a non-mahram – Major or Minor sin?
Q: Is it Nifaaq if I find myself weak in trusting Allah swt