How to identify a Qalb-un-Saleem

Q: How can I identify that I have a Qalb-e-Saleem?

A person can identify that in several ways:

Firstly: In our Outward life – that it is according to the Qur’an, Sunnah & Shariah

A person whose outward life is still not according to the Qur’an, Sunnah & Shariah then its not possible that their heart is entirely pure

Secondly: A more deeper way that our Mashaikh have mentioned that a person’s iner feelingisaccording to the Qur’an , Sunnah & Shariah – and that is a very deep level of Tazkiya.

It means that we may be able to purify our outward actions such that we may not commit an act based on envy or jealousy but a higher level is that we purify ourself so much such that we donot even feel a drop of envy or Jealousy.

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[QnA sessions during CII Tazkiya Talk] 

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